Wow, has the world changed since my last Music Notes (March)!!!
After the "Pot-O-Gold" event in Chicago, everything shut down and Toilet Paper was nowhere to be found 🙄. All my upcoming shows were cancelled - bam - just like that, life changed! 😳 It is certainly been a time to be grateful for what we had, what we still have and what we still can do. Life changes in a moment, but God never does and THAT my friends is the anchor I hold on to! I'm grateful that as far as working from home, not much has changed for me, but for a lot of you - work life has become different, for others of you more stressful, for some of you (especially medical and grocery) more dangerous as you are around either sick people or around people all day long. Honestly, I don't want to dwell on the current situation too much....I'm sure many of you feel sick and tired of hearing the name in the news and the ads and the announcements in stores. Many of you believers have been praying and standing on Psalm 91... if you have not read that one lately, do so. It will encourage you. I've added Psalm 119 to my reading list and began posting a portion of that Psalm each day on my Music Facebook Page. So grateful for the Word of God! So there will be no UPCOMING EVENTS listed this month. I'm considering some "live" music online via my Facebook page.... but I'll let you know when that happens. THE JEWELRY: Since everything is shut down, my jewelry business went from doing well to "zero" and that's been sad 😥. I've met so many cool new folks at the shows and SO enjoyed my customers, fans & friends I got to see at each of the shows. I miss the conversations, helping people pick that perfect piece, share some love, give encouragement or share God's love. THAT part has been very difficult. So.....this forced me to go online and restart my Etsy shop again and if you are reading this on a laptop, or computer screen, there's a picture on the right "I'm on ETSY". If you click that it'll take you to my store. I've been doing daily store updates and there are over 100 items listed now 😮! (I know, right?....for months it was only 5 bracelets 🤪🤪🤪) If you are on a phone, that link is probably on the very bottom..... so please take a look and if you have any questions or want something in a specific color, just reach out to me via the store. ON THE HOMEFRONT: Warren has been laid off from school bus driving since school is no longer in session, however we are grateful that he will get paid until the end of this school year. What happens once fall rolls around remains yet to be seen with all this uncertainty.... Let's pray all will be back to 'normal'. He is really disappointed too that there are no ball games he can umpire. He has truly enjoyed that and the kids and parents. Summer will definitely look different for us this year as there aren't as many BBQs either. But on the bright side... it's gonna get WARMER in Minnesota and the sun will hopefully shine more and we can be out in the yard - which needs a LOT of attention 😃!! Warren can also enjoy is kayak and fishing more. I have been staying SO busy at home, I can't believe it. I'm re-organizing my jewelry studio and I've discovered a lot of cool stuff I had ordered and totally forgotten about. Soon I'll be making more new things. I have to admit, this present situation took the wind out of me and I just haven't had the motivation to create more jewelry at the moment. There were just some things that needed to be cleaned out, cleaned up and one of those places was the BASEMENT! Gah.....why does all.the.stuff. collect in the basement??? Does that happen to you guys too? Today I poured leftover paint out of the starting-to-get-rusty metal cans into plastic paint containers I got at Menards on Thursday..... Now if I need to fix a nick on a wall, I can actually open the paint container! aaaanddd, ALL the paint fit on ONE shelf! LOL. There were a lot of empty cans down there. Now why? Really...why? Empty cans? Seriously. Y'all, that's why I needed this time to really sort through stuff. IN ENDING: Have you guys seen all those ridiculously funny memes and gifs on Facebook lately? Some of them have me just rolling! Y'all, keep your humor, laugh with your family, play with your kids, find fun things to do, keep your mind on the bright side, stay healthy, spend wisely, trust God and keep the faith. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8. Much love, Sam
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Christian Organic Folk Singer/Songwriter & Author
based in Minnesota See my Jewelry!
Psalm 100 Scripture
1 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. 3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Archives
February 2025