![]() The sum total of your life is your thoughts..... said a wise minister friend in one of her teachings! That stuck with me ever since. It's profound and extremely TRUE! I'm so grateful for her to impart this tidbit of wisdom unto me, because it made me more aware of that I was and also what I was thinking about, dwelling on, worrying and fretting over! As I'm typing this the following scripture came to mind: Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. So what is your mind dwelling on this month? Are you worried about something? Are you down on yourself? What is your self-talk like? Is what you are thinking about leaving you disturbed, anxious, fretful, without hope, without trust in God? ...or is what you are thinking about giving you this deep peace of knowing that you can trust God with whatever it is that rose itself up against your faith to disturb your life, occupy your mind and capture your thoughts. To live in constant anxiety is not how our heavenly Father wants His children to live. Romans 8:6 - For the mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. You know.....I'd rather have life and peace, that's for sure! But there are times where it seems all I can focus on are the issues in front of me. We so forget that God, through Christ's divine power, has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence (2 Peter 1:3). Key word is EVERYTHING. We already have what it takes to press in to Christ in trust and in faith. Exercise God's divine nature in you...you already got it! (Read on in 2 Peter 1:4-8)...when you apply moral excellence with knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love and these qualities are increasing, they don't render you useless nor unfruitful. Then you won't ask "should I do this?" or "should I not?".... It'll be either 'yes' or 'no' as you exercise spiritual intuition. ....and which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life's span? Luke 12:25. ... The sum total of your life....is ..... your thoughts. Well, the above was the first thing I could think of to begin writing on this month's music notes update. Maybe it's for someone who needs to read this, be encouraged and know God's got this! I know I need this reminder sometimes daily. I need to remember what I think about and how this affects the outcome of my life. What I think comes out of my mouth, what comes out of my mouth turns into action.....and my actions chart the course of my life..... unless I allow GOD to chart it all the way. We so often think we know best, but really we don't, we just sometimes don't know how to simply trust. We are doers, makers and shakers....in other words we like to control outcomes. Hard to give up control. However, do we know the character of God and do we truly trust Him? PERSONALLY: NotesNBling is gaining some more popularity and I'm super excited! Past December I visited with a few store/boutique owners in Central Illinois. Three of them were excited to carry my jewelry. Two stores will just have one small display of RockNStone Aroma bracelets and LeatherNLink Aroma necklaces, while The General Store in Arthur, IL went all out carrying quite a bit of my jewelry. See the picture on the left of the NotesNBling jewelry display there! Doesn't that look cool?! If you are ever in Arthur, please tell Timmy the store owner that you saw this picture on my website and how cool it looks! Over the last month (January) I've been creating a lot of new jewelry pieces and expanding my essential oil aroma bracelet and necklaces line. Also Sterling Silver jewelry is making it's debut with "StoneNSterling" earrings. bracelets are next, followed by necklace designs. To see some of the new jewelry, I now have a page on FaceBook dedicated to just NotesNBling. Just click the button below and it'll get you there! What's also pretty cool is that hubby Warren made some awesome displays for me to go along with the new designs and this will make my table at events look so much more professional and less cluttered. Customers now can see the pieces better and it'll also take up less room than my self-made displays from before. Hubby knows what he's doing and I love the new look! ![]() UPCOMING EVENTS: Date: 2/3/18 Time: 2 pm Event: Daughters Of The King Women's Event Place: Jo Jo's Rise & Wine Coffee Bar & Restaurant Town: Burnsville, MN Although this event just happened this past Saturday, I still wanted to list it under the February events. It was an amazing time with the ladies down in Burnsville, seeing good friends and re-connecting. Pictures to follow next month. ![]() Dates: 2/7, 14, 21, 28/18 Time: 1 pm Event: Ladies Bible-Gathering Place: Liquid Assets Town: Sartell, MN Every week a few of us ladies from previous meetings/bible studies have gathered once again to encourage each other in the Word of God and in fellowship. I'm bringing the music as we share a few songs at the end. IN ENDING: Although January and February are not very busy concert wise, January was a super busy month for me in stocking up my NotesNBling inventory! I had left a lot of pieces behind at The General Store in Arthur, IL and some pieces at the Barnyard Boutique in Deland, IL. After sales and events I was pretty much depleted on items on hand. That's a good thing, right? February might still have some events coming up as I'm also looking into jewelry events. For the jewelry, be sure you 'like' my NotesNBling Facebook page. For music events added later, check 'tour dates' here or on my Facebook Music Page (Sam Scales Music) which you can click through via the little emblem on the top left. If you have 'liked' the page you should get updates. If you are signed up with "TRACK" (that's the button up top through BandsInTown) you will get notification via e-mail if I'm playing in your area. (on cell phones this all may be way on the bottom below - keep scrolling) Hubby Warren continues to plan and work towards his goal of getting his Warren's BBQ Bus Cafe. I'm excited about this dream and possibility to finally get off the ground so to speak and no longer deal with adverse weather conditions in tents. We are praying for God's provision and guidance to bring it into reality. Warren has a Go-Fund-Me page with all the details of his plan if you like to see. May you have a wonderful February, stay warm if you are in MN. We are all looking forward to spring and some above 30's temperatures! Hopefully I will get to see you at one of our next events!
Grace and peace, Sam
Christian Organic Folk Singer/Songwriter & Author
based in Minnesota See my Jewelry!
Psalm 100 Scripture
1 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. 3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Archives
February 2025