The holiday season is upon us! Are y'all ready?? We have been super busy with events and creating, making, custom orders and hubby with making sauce, rolling grapevine wreaths (from our 100 year old vine) and pallet wood crafts. We have been enjoying the craft show circuit quite a bit this year and have met so many wonderful and cool people. Gained new customers, made some friendships and connections, it's been great! We had a few little music events at a Senior Center here in town but that's been it. At this time I'm not sure where the music will go.... It is up to God to lead and guide. Had a couple scares health wise....I had to have the gall bladder removed and let me tell you, that's a pain like none other. Sure felt good right after surgery when it was gone. However in a way I grieved because it's a part of my body that God created when He made me and it's always sad to lose something He gave us for proper functioning of our bodies. We were also in a car accident this summer where Warren's new truck he won at the Ice Fishing Extravaganza in Brainerd in 2020 got major damage by someone who didn't see us and drove right into us making a u-turn.... But also that's all back in order and our bodies have pretty much recovered thanks to our chiropractor. I still have a few little issues, but also this season shall pass. Now - on to the upcoming events: UPCOMING EVENTS: Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 Event: Holiday Sip & Shop (NNB & BBQ Sauce/Crafts) Time: 5-8 pm Where: The Hayloft Bar & Grill, 22779 MN 15 Town: St. Augusta, MN Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Event: St. Nick Nite Boutique (NNB only) Time: 3:30-7:30 pm Where: Holy Trinity Catholic School, 80 Edward Street S Town: Pierz, MN Date: Saturday, December 10, 2022 Event: NotesNBling Sip-N-Shop (NNB only) Time: 2-4 pm Where: NotesNBling Studio Town: Sauk Rapids, MN Date: Sunday, December 11, 2022 Event: Holiday Sip-N-Shop (NNB & BBQ Sauce) Time: 11 am -4 pm Where: The Courtyards of Andover, 13545 Martin St. NW Town: Andover, MN This concludes 2022 as far as events go. Not sure if music wise we will play anywhere this year.... But if we do, it'll be announced on the Facebook pages (and on here of course). Events 2023: Date: Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023 Event: Sartell Farmers Market (NNB & BBQ Sauce/Crafts) Time: 10 am - 1 pm Where: Sartell Community Center, 850 19th Street S. Town: Sartell, MN NotesNBling: I've been creating like crazy and making so many cool things and many have sold already, even before I could post photos on Facebook.... So here are some examples of latest creations. Come see us at the last shows if you're still looking for that special and unique gift. IN ENDING:
🎄 Now I want to wish everyone a very blessed Holiday season. 🎄 Hopefully spent with family, friends (including the furry kind 🐶🐱🐹🐺🐴) as they can comfort us so much with their devoted love to us) or neighbors or church family. Also the holidays usually bring about memories, some good, some bring tears, some bring grief as we miss loved ones gone on before us, some bring joy. Do the best where you're at, it's only one day, it's only a very short season. Most importantly, remember that you are loved by Christ Jesus (even when you don't feel it), He died for you and even though His birth wasn't exactly on December 25th, we can remember God sending His Son as a babe this season. He grew up, He learned, He hurt, He felt, He experienced human-ness.....yet, because of His love He gave Himself, a sacrifice of redemption, a celebration (His resurrection) we remember in the Spring. Peace in your hearts to all, Sam & Warren
Christian Organic Folk Singer/Songwriter & Author
based in Minnesota See my Jewelry!
Psalm 100 Scripture
1 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. 3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Archives
February 2025