🌺Warm Spring Greetings everyone! 🌷 In Minnesota we have Spring Break, hubby is "out of school" from bus driving this week ....and our plans were changed. We are not going to see his family in Oklahoma as we had hoped. Instead he will be having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) and we would appreciate your prayers. Nothing serious, just something that needs to be done. Otherwise I'm gearing up for my NotesNBling Spring shows, with the first one being this weekend (March 7th) at the Sartell Community Center. I've gotten a lot of new beads and leather in, so I'm excited to work on my spring and summer designs. Music wise, we have been playing at our church for a series of evening services, singing with worship leader Aaron Sutton and that's been a learning curve for me, but a lot of fun! Currently music plans are to stay fairly local (that would include Wisconsin, that's local enough, haha) since I have so many jewelry shows coming up in March and April. Hoping to look into the south for a couple music dates around June, but we will have to see how things develop. God directs the steps and opens the doors! We go where they open. Well, on to the upcoming events so you guys know where to find me! ![]() UPCOMING EVENTS: Date: Saturday, March 7 (NotesNBling) Time: 9-1 Event: Sartell Business Showcase Place: Sartell Community Center 850 19th Street S. Town: Sartell, MN I'll be set up at this event with my jewelry (NotesNBling) and hubby Warren will also have his BBQ Sauce table there as well. Our Sartell Winter Farmers Market is part of this event and there will be additional vendors, crafters and businesses showcasing their wares or information. We enjoyed it last year, so come check it out and see us! ![]() Date: Saturday, March 14 (NotesNBling) Time: 10a-4p Event: Pot-O-Gold Craft & Vendor Fair Place: Smith's Central Garage 3315 Pearl Street Town: McHenry, IL I'm excited to be part of this event, because my daughter Cindy and her friends Sammi and Sue are organizing craft and vendor shows and this will be their first adventure! Of course I'll support that and hopefully gain more fans of my jewelry in the Chicago area too. I'll be doing another show with them in July so if you're in the Chicago area....you may want to keep that in mind and your eyes peeled for announcements on my NotesNBling Facebook Page. www.facebook.com/NotesNBling. ![]() Date: Saturday, March 21 (NotesNBling) Time: 10a-2p Event: "Just For Fun" Vendor & Craft Sale by Steph Theis Place: Eagles Club 730. 41st Ave. N Town: St. Cloud, MN This will be my third show with Steph and she does such a wonderful event! It's worth coming out because she has such a good variety of not just vendors but also crafters and handmade items. Plus she has drawings for some amazing prizes for the attending shoppers!! You don't want to miss this one! Date: Saturday, March 21. (Music only this year) THIS DATE IS NOT CONFIRMED OFFCIALLY YET! Time: 11-7 (time for whole event) Sam Scales Music Time Slot: TBD - will be sometime after 4 pm Event: Empty Bowls Place: City Hope Church 413 Franklin Ave. NE Town: St. Cloud, MN We always have been part of this event, either with just music or both with music and jewelry. This year the conflict of date is with me being at the Eagles Club for the Vendor/Craft show, I won't be set up with my jewelry for this event, however I may be playing music, but I won't be there until after 3 pm and hope to get a time slot after 4 pm or so.... Stay tuned on my Music Facebook page (www.facebook.com/SamScalesMusic), or look back here when the date is close. As of this writing (March2) I have not seen an announcement made yet on Place Of Hope's Facebook Page or website.... I'll keep you posted. ![]() NOTES-N-BLING I'll be rolling out my spring collection slowly but surely! I'm excited about some design ideas I've been mulling over and the new supplies I've ordered. The beach glass and recycled glass beads are in, the new leathers are on their way today! YEY!! Some items will be already at the March 7th show in Sartell, more will be along to Chicago/McHenry show middle March and then on the 21st at the Eagles Club I'll have more styles with beach glass and leather, so mark your calendars! For now most will only be available at shows, or check out my Facebook page www.facebook.com/NotesNBling. Nothing on Etsy yet. IN ENDING:
This past Sunday our message in church was "The One Who Can Control The Storm" and the scripture portion was Mark 4:35-41. With so much happening in the world and some friends struggling with the issue of fear (and I'm not exempt from this either), I thought this be a good thing to share today. It's very very brief, but just some points to ponder on. Have you heard the phrase "It's not what you know, it's WHO you know? Sometimes that doesn't go in our favor does it? The other person got the promotion because of who they knew, even though you might have been a better candidate due to your knowledge and experience. But sometimes it does. For example, I've always wanted to meet certain well known musicians in the Christian Music world and because of who I knew, I got to meet quite a few of them and some even became friends. That's pretty awesome. Now this was a desire of my heart, however in the scheme of things not really significant, but God granted it anyways. So it is important who you know and in Christianity it is absolutely vital who you know! It works in our favor! We must know Jesus! So in this text the main point is to get to know who Jesus is. The disciples and Jesus got into a boat to go 'to the other side'. There was a storm. Plan was to get to the other side but there was stuff happening in the middle. Jesus is absolutely trustworthy because when He says something you can count on that it will be fulfilled no matter what happens in the middle. They did get to the other side. Faith is trusting in God and His Word. He will see us through whatever we are going through. Faith is not a blind leap in the dark and it's not cosmic string pulling. Jesus is human. He fell asleep in the boat...in the midst of a storm. Why could He sleep in all that roar of waves and wind? Because Jesus as human could sleep because He was completely trusting in His Father. You know Lotti Moon made a statement: "I am immortal until my work is done". Worry is a serious issue you need to take to Him to eradicate it!! God wants to help us to overcome worry. Worry says "I don't trust You". Worry says: "You don't care about me". Worry takes away joy and instead brings death to our soul (mind, will, emotions). This past year I've really worked on putting this into practice, to trust rather than to sit there and fret about everything! Worry does not add one day to our life. Matthew 6:27 - Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Remember, Jesus as human CAN relate to us - but He still is GOD! Jesus is Almighty God. John 1:1-3. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. Jesus created everything and not one thing that was created was made without Him creating it! Some may say that Jesus was the first created being, but you would have to exist first before anything can even be created. Jesus was already because nothing was created without being created by Him! Always go by the Bible and know truth as we read in John 1:1-3. Jesus is in control of nature. He calmed the storm. Jesus is in control of the demonic realm. He rebuked the wind. Fear looks at the storm. FAITH LOOKS AT JESUS. Faith looks at the Savior! So keep looking to Him, study your Bible, read it, get it in you, let Him strengthen you through His Word, PRAY (which means conversation with God every day not some formula you pray through), get to know Him and then trust Him. Although answers may not look like what we expect, but they come and they are always good for us. Keep your eyes on Jesus, where your help comes from! Love y'all, Sam
Christian Organic Folk Singer/Songwriter & Author
based in Minnesota See my Jewelry!
Psalm 100 Scripture
1 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. 3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Archives
February 2025