This is the time of year that's always been one of my favorites (other than spring). Although I know what's coming after fall (snow and cold - and I miss my flip flops), the colors are great and the crispness of fall is in the air with the holiday season soon to begin. Growing up in Germany this season was always special. With anticipation I would look outside the windows of our apartment in the three story building we lived at, for the street decorations to arrive. My dad's work, a bank, was on the first floor. We lived on the top floor. It was my delight when I would see the city trucks pull up to hang the lighted Christmas Garlands which would span across the whole street from one building to another, lining the street all the way to the train station which I could see blocks away from my viewpoint. The lights always brought me joy, comfort and they were so cool to look at. I knew Christmas was coming and with it family visits, playing with my cousins, great food....and of course presents. What made or what makes your Holiday Season special? UPCOMING EVENTS: Date: Saturday, November 3 (NotesNBling) Time: 9am-3pm (That's TOMORROW!!) Event: Christmas Craft Fair Place: Hinckley/Finlayson High School (in the new gym) 201 Main Street E. Town: Hinckley, MN 55037 Date: Friday, November 9. (NotesNBling) Time: 5-9 pm Event: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Craft & Vendor Show Place: American Legion Paynesville, 770 Dieckman Dr. Unit 1. Town: Paynesville, MN 56362 Date: Saturday, November 10. (Music & NotesNBling) Time: 10 am - 6 pm Event: Hometown Harvest Market Place: Peace Therapeutic Massage, 901 4th Street, Town: Hudson, WI (I've been invited as the musical guest to play a few sets during the event) Date: Saturday, November 17. (NotesNBling) Time: 10 am - 1 pm Event: Sartell Winter Market Place: New Sartell Community Center, 850 19th Street S, Town: Sartell, MN (GPS comes up with St. Cloud instead of Sartell) Date: Friday, November 23 - Black Friday (NotesNBling) Time: 3-7 pm Event: Melrose Craft & Gift Show Place: Melrose City Center, 225 1st Street NE. Town: Melrose, MN 56352 Date: Saturday, November 24. (NotesNBling) Time: 9am-3pm Event: Vendor & Craft Fair Place: American Legion Auxillary Unit #428 Waite Park, 17 2nd Ave. N. Town: Waite Park, MN All the events of the season at a glance: ![]() PAST EVENTS: Last month I had the opportunity to be at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls, WI to lead worship for Celebrate Recovery. It's pretty neat when folks say "hey I know you!!" :) I think the best part is where everyone shares their struggles and we encourage one another. Lots of tough breaks in life for folks, but they are on a better path and hopefully their feet will continue to stay planted upon the rock Who is their solid foundation. Thank you to the organizers for having me! NOTES-N-BLING In October I had my first event to start out the NotesNBling shopping season, my NotesNBling Open House at my place. It is always such an awesome time to connect with folks individually as they come to shop and just hang out. We have the best time chatting, snacking on yummy stuff, enjoying coffee, tea or flavored water during our talks. This fellowship time is almost the better part than just the sales! What has been so nice for everyone with my Open House is that each person is able to take their time looking through the various items, lay some aside, keep looking and then finally decide on the piece or several pieces which have made their final selections. We also enjoyed being part of the St. Augusta American Legion Crafts Fair. Warren came along to sell his homemade BBQ sauce, and will do so at all the other events. This lady was a thrilled customer who bought my blue lace stone diffuser bracelet and earring set from the RockNStone collection! ![]() ON THE PERSONAL SIDE: Well, my sweet hubs had a hiccup in his git-along. He was out kayaking a couple Fridays ago and ended up in a situation where the wind blew him across the lake and he had to find a place to land and get out, which he did. However it was in a "trespassing" zone, due to being on homeowners properties. He tried to knock on a couple doors but nobody was home. So he called the sheriff out just to let him know all he wanted to do was load up and get out of there. The sheriff happened to be an experienced kayaker himself, so that was cool. He was kind enough to drive Warren over to get his truck and then helped Warren load up his kayak. However on the second trip down the hill to get the rest of his items, Warren's left foot slipped, got hung and he lost balance, the foot went under him and he thus broke a bone in his ankle. So he has been in a boot and on crutches for the last two weeks! He's had a lot of pain to deal with, many sleepless nights, but I think it's starting to get better under control. So far the doctor is pleased with how his break is doing and they are confident he won't need surgery nor screws. But he has to take it easy. This means, no refereeing for quite a while and staying off his leg as much as possible, keep it elevated after work and iced down. So, he will be doing crafts fairs with me! YEY! He is going to sell his homemade BBQ sauce. The setup and tear down will be all on me (sigh!!!!) but, I'm glad he can be with me and just sit and be there! It's a lot more fun to do it together..... So yes, please come out to the events and see us. I'm sure Warren will love to fill you in on all the details of his mishap. Have a great fall season! Sam
Christian Organic Folk Singer/Songwriter & Author
based in Minnesota See my Jewelry!
Psalm 100 Scripture
1 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. 3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Archives
February 2025